Search Homes and Condo Properties
for Sale in South Florida and the Treasure Coast
Real Estate Search Tips
Please view our Real Estate Search Tips for helpful directions on how to use the search forms.
The Realtor MLS is divided into AREAS that we use to do searches. Larger areas are called GEOAreas and they are divided into smaller AREA NUMBERS. You can do searches by these County Sections to view more specific locations. Please view the MLS Area Maps for Numbers .
You can also search by zip codes – in the CITY field at the very top of the search page you can search by CITY or ZIP CODE. The zip codes are not always listed there, but if you type a zip into the top field, they will be included. Click here for South Florida Zip Code Maps .
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions and for complete details. Review the Search Tips page for more details and options
Search Homes
The top row fields are the basic search criteria – choose a Location – cities or zip codes and basic criteria. Choose a City location and then zoom in on the map for closer views of subdivisions with all listings populated. This is a new upgraded IDX search with a new Search Map, Market Report Tabs, Pending & Sold in the Last 30 days etc.
Please bear with us as we iron out some glitches and work on search page layouts. Some saved searches did not transfer. Zoom into Subdivision and see all listings populated. Market Reports will show the relative Subdivision after it is corrected.
Click the MORE BUTTON Drop Down Arrow to the right of the top row and it takes you to additional Advanced criteria – Country Club membership, 55+ communities (HOPA), waterfront, views plus many more. If any of the areas sound interesting to you or you find homes in the MLS I would be happy to work with you to find your home. Feel free to call us at 561-866-2927 or fill out our Inquiry Form for additional information.
New Construction
I have included descriptions and have brochures on some of Port St Lucie’s and Boca Raton’s new home communities – spec inventory homes and homes to be built, plus information on the many new custom homes being developed throughout the area, as well as details on vacant parcels available for new construction. The developer will cooperate with realtors on sales, but only if the agent accompanies the client on the initial visit and registration.
Builders do not list all inventory homes in the MLS, please contact me for more details.
The Greater Port St Lucie Housing Market and South Florida Housing Market offer a wide variety of residential communities and neighborhood atmospheres that appeal to any person’s choice of lifestyle. To learn more about the areas, browse through the summaries that include photographs and detailed descriptions as well as approximate price ranges of homes.